Monday, April 14, 2014

YouTube & Your Business

I think most people have an awareness of what Youtube is - you can watch videos that other people have posted, and you can also upload your own content if you wanted to. Most people access Youtube to watch funny, entertaining, and viral content - but I'd like for you to think of how you might use it to help you with branding, culture, and reach for your business.

Youtube is under the Google umbrella, so you can create your channels under a g-mail login - and you can create different channels for different things. Each person can create a channel (or series of channels) - so you could create one for your personal life (to load videos of your kids, or your animals, or whatever you want), and you can create one for your business. The types of videos you'd upload for your business will vary on the type of company you have, but I can't think of one business that wouldn't benefit somehow from having a few videos out there on the Internet. Because you can tag your Youtube content, it can also help with SEO.

Videos can work on your behalf to support exposure of your branding and culture. It gives your clients and prospects a feel for who you are without having to step outside your office or schedule a meeting or shake a hand. People can watch a video about your company, and see the passion in your eyes no matter what time of the day or night it is (once it's posted). You can give them a demonstration of whatever it is that you do or sell or create. These kinds of videos will proclaim you as a valuable resource and educator in your field, and let your clients feel close to you while beginning to understand your process and your business.

Youtube is a great enhancement for reaching a wider audience, especially if you have tutorials posted on your channels. I go to Youtube all the time with "how do I ____?" kinds of questions. What better first experience can you give a prospect or future client than helping them out for free? They'll say "Wow this guy/gal really knows what they're talking about!" and might remember you when they need something related to the question you've answered for them. I make it a point to comment on videos that are useful to me, and then try to find them on Facebook so I can reach out to them when I need to in the future.

I hope to have sparked some interest in using Youtube for your business.

If you need any help getting set up, or a muse for content inspiration, I'd be happy to help you!

Cori Blackburn
My Website

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Adding an Admin to your Facebook Business Page

I recently had a client with a need to add me to her Facebook Business Page so that I might optimize and automate her blog posting a bit more, and she was perplexed as to how to do it. I dedicate this blog to my beloved candle-entrepreneur!

Let's start at the beginning - log into Facebook (your personal account):

Next - get into your Page Administration, you'll see it on the lefthand side (mine is Corib Enterprises as shown below) - click on it:

You'll be taken to your Admin Page for your Facebook Business Page - look for a drop-down menu near the top right called "Edit Page". You'll want to select "Manage Admin Roles" :

What appears is your Admin console. You'll see yourself listed on the left hand side, and at the right the ability to add other people to help you.

It's a little small to see, but on the right side if you click on the open text box you can type in someone's name. Please note, this box auto-populates with people you're already friends with on Facebook - if you're inviting someone to create content or help administer your Business Page - you should be comfortable adding them as a friend on Facebook. You can add someone by e-mail address, but this can go awry - I, myself, have over 27 email addresses, 26 of which won't help me gain access to Facebook to help you.

Here is a little bigger version of the search function:

After you select the correct person you can assign their level of access:

My clients normally need to add me as Manager so I can help them automate blog and Twitter posts. Content Creators can develop and post content on your behalf without full management privileges. Moderators have the ability to help you manage conversations with followers, and the rest - frankly are for large corporations who outsource their Facebook Page management.

At this point - on the bottom left you can add additional admins, or save your changes. When you're done select "save".

If you made it this far - congratulations you have added a Facebook Business Page Manager to help you with Social Media Tasks!

It is worthy of note - some clients have asked me to log-in as them and "handle this" for them, but if they're physically several hundred miles away from Chicago, Facebook registers me as a hacker and we have to work together to restore access. If you're seeing this kind of a problem please contact me, I've worked through it several times and will be happy to help you!

Follow me on Twitter: @CoriB_ENT

Monday, April 7, 2014

Using Facebook as your Business Page (April 2014)

I recently worked with someone who was a little newer to Facebook, and she was trying to like other people's business pages as her business. She couldn't figure out how to switch from her personal account to her business account (and equally as important - how to switch back).

She inspired me to type up a quick little blog to explain how this is done. Below you'll see step by step instructions and screen-shots, but please note this is all subject to change. Facebook tends to update it's system all the time, so when it changes keep an eye out for a new blog - I will do my best to keep you up to speed.

So let's begin - login to Facebook under your personal account:

Next - select your business page from the left-hand menu:

Up at the top you'll see a drop-down menu labeled "Edit Page":

At the bottom of the drop down menu you have the option to select "Use Facebook as _____":

Select this option, and then click on the Facebook Icon in the upper left hand corner - and viola - you're using Facebook as your business page! 

You'll be able to spot the difference in your top menu bar next to "Home"- here's what mine looks like as my business account, and as my personal account:

To switch back - simply click on your logo in the upper left hand corner (under the Facebook logo), this will take you back to your Admin Page:

Go to that same drop-down Menu "Edit Page", and select the bottom option "Use Facebook as _____" where the ____ is your personal name, and just like that you're back to just plain you again:

I hope this helps someone out there - I welcome any questions about social media that you might have. Send me an email or give me a call, I'd love to help you!

Cori Blackburn
CoriB Enterprises